Marz X Boombox

*My radio believe me I like it LOUD!* -LL Cool J

In the early 80's Hip Hop was all about who had the loudest Boombox or the biggest. It was such a huge thing back then in the Hip Hop communities. Now in 2010 the Boombox can be more appreciated and has more value then any iPod you might own lol. So today I felt it was important to share a stpry with you all regarding the Boombox.
Last night was a blessing for me, after 8 years a good friend called me over and said they had something for me. I drove down to catch up on a few things then out of the blue I see it... Yes My other good friends long lost Boombox ha! Long story short I was rooming with a friend back in the day and left a few things at his crib, one of them things was the Boombox that was given to me to customize. I had tried in the past to get the Boom Box from my old rommie, but was blown off *I can see why* the Boombox is HUGE and is a major part of Hip Hop and rare to find. The Boombox I have is the exact one LL Cool J used for his album cover *Radio*

Well last night I was able to get it back to customize it in and finish what I started. After I am finished with it, this will now be what I call the Marz Boombox! The friend who originally owns the Boombox had ask me to customize it for him 8 years back the funny thing is every single time he would ask me *yo did you get my Boom Box back from _________? Haaaa.. Good story to anyway I am pretty stoked to do it for him FINALY after 8 years lol. It has more value to it now, but after I complete this project, I will have to's going to be hard to let it go ha! Like LL Cool J said, *you know I can't live with out my RADIO! I will post pics once it's done, but for now enjoy the insides of one of Hip Hop's major icons, The Boom Box. \\//

Also check Spike Lee put out a book called *The Boombox Project* <--I get it! This book captures the images and has small bio's about certain Hip Hop artist sharing there first experience with a Boombox *a must have* below is a link you can view a few things about the book. You can also purchase this book at any Urban Outfiters

The Boombox Project