God's Blessings

I mean what does it take to be where I am at today in 2010. To have so much talent, style, good personality, awesome family, friends and achieve all the things I have this far..? I shall it's simple... GOD! All things are possible through GOD. Along with that is dedication, faith and following your dreams no matter what it is. Have you ever wondered why you were put on this earth? Life has progress, life has change, but in order for any of that to happen you must live & believe in the existence. I'm thankful for many things and follow what GOD has attended my life to be, he gives us many choices in life, but one important choice would be, do we want to live in the flesh or in the spirit. If you do as GOD ask you to do, he will then allow all of your blessings to appear right in front of you. Imagine this... when was the last time you felt like you were on top of the world? That is the feeling of all the blessings GOD allows us to have, but we need to serve him first. Mark my words, GOD has something special for you, listen to him and do as he wants NOT what we want. I am no perfect human, fact is I have made many mistakes in my life & you can judge me for that, but only GOD can judge my faith.