The Road Under Pressure

There comes a time in our life when things just don't go the way we expect and well... I can say me my self Marz is currently in that ODD situation grrrrr... I have a lot going on in my mind with life in general, but at the end of the day, prayer is key to resolve my worries.

When it rains it pours, but it never rains for ever, once those clouds leave and the rain stops, the sun starts to shine, I then adapt to the sun, look up to the sky and say to my self thanks you.

My situation could be worse, there are people around the world who may have less or worse problems then my self. But all in one it's a problem that I see helping all of us become wise and know that in the end everything will be all right.

Shoe Shine 4.0 is now 7 days away & this to me means it is crunch time! I have to prepare my self for the future of my art career, I have to prepare my self fo my children, music, my future, but most of all... I have to prepare my faith in GOD to give me the strength to go in every situation he has allowed me to be in with faith to have success. Success doesn't come easy, nor does it come as we plan it... it comes when we least expect it and survive the trials GOD gives us to grow.

On that note I will keep my faith & trust in GOD... Do the same, truth never lies, it always wins!

Peace Love
Marz Macchio